"Strange Characters" is the name of this exhibition by Osvaldo Leite that corresponds to his last production. At the same time, there is a series of landscapes from Belgium that marks an evolution in his career as a painter and which he nourished when he returned to Uruguay after a long journey around Europe.

Dr. Juan Carlos Arrosa, Ms. Josefina Henry Vida, Ms. Nenía Vidal de Schaich and Mr. Rodolfo Schaich.

Ms. Teresinha Leite, Mr. Juan Ansserbauer, Ms. Blanca Trigo de Nosvo, Ms. Renée Del Portillo and Ms. Nelly Osores de Rovella.

Minister Counsellor of the Embassy of Brazil Mr. Helio Dutra Neves and Ms. Belkis Rocha de Dutra Neves.

General view of the exhibition.

Prof. Dr. Rubén Armand Ugón, Ms. Ludovina Buxareo de Armand Ugón and Mr. Hugo Petraglia Aguirre.

Minister Counsellor of the Embassy of Peru Mr. Luis Beltroy, Mr. Juan Carreras and his wife, Mr. Osvaldo Leite, Ms. Ana Sanguinetti and Ms. Beatriz Mailhos.

General view of the exhibition.

Dr. Arrosa Carve, Ms. Carmen Piñeyro de Gomensoro, Mr. Osvaldo Leite, Mr. Juan Enrique Gomensoro, Ms. Carmen Gomensoro and Ms. Mónica Prevett.

General view of the exhibition.

Mr. Helio Dutra Nieves, Ms. Belkis Rocha, Mr. Osvaldo Leite, Ms. Silvia Villagran and Mr. Cristy Gava.

Mr. Pepe Montes, Ms. Martha Crevoisier de Montes, Ms. Carmen Piñeyro de Gomensoro and Mr. Juan Enrique Gomensoro.

General view of the exhibition.