This careful selection of the most recent works of the outstanding plastic artist Gustavo Calvo Ferro, had more than 25 works predominating the field, landscape and marine themes.
Mr. Andrés Leicht, Ms. Carla Censato and Mr. Julián Graña.
General view of the exhibition.
Mr. Fernando Marques, Ms. Cecilia Rocca and Cr. Jorge Anselmi.
Mr. Gastón Mailhos, Ms. Cornelia de Lageman, Ms. Angélica Scheingraber and Mr. Jorge Lageman.
Mr. Fernando Artagaveytia, Mr. Ivo de Magalhaes, Ms. Kika de Magalhaes, Mr. Gustavo Calvo Ferro, Ambassador of Venezuela to the ALADI Mr. Moritz Eiriz Villegas and his daughter.
General view of the exhibition.